Do you have an animal friend that is incredibly special to you?

Have you known an animal that mentored you and gave unconditional love?

Perhaps you are drawn to animals, birds, reptiles and fish? You notice them and study them?

Luzy is my dog, and she encourages me to live the life I want. We want to inspire others to go after their adventures no how matter how strange or how out of the realm of possibility they seem.

I wrote a book for you who have connected to the magic of animals. It is a collection of stories, Luzy Lessons, fabulous photography of our adventures and a few tools for connecting to your wisdom, like Luzy does. I know you have stories of your own about your fabulous friends, and I would love to hear them. You know the brilliance of your own animal friends and together we can celebrate this sacred knowing.

Luzy is my Alaskan husky sled dog soul sister who bewitched me into taking her home and she still has me wrapped around her paw. She has these warm glacier eyes that look into you and learn how to bend you to her will. She is a jedi who is now my skijor partner. Skijoring is skiing with a harness connecting you to your dog or dogs and it is a BLAST. We do expedition skijoring and explore far into the wilderness. Luzy can pull a 70 pound sled 30 miles all by herself and not get tired. She is my personal comedian, wise woman, and mischievous crazy guru. Like any good friend, she is constantly teaching me.


Order your book at Amazon today

You can get your favorite Luzy Lesson on Canvas here

Thank you to all of you who enjoy Luzy and her Lessons and have asked for more!

You can see the latest Luzy Lessons on my Facebook page and Luzy’s Instagram

Praise for LUZY LESSONS Learnings From a Wild Alaskan Sled Dog

“This is a book about a husky.
This is also a book about soul sisters.

Wendy is dynamic and kind. She is a teacher, in the truest and most compassionate sense of the word. At heart I think she may be as wild as her Luzy — she walks with bears; sleeps in their nests. She snowshoes across mountain ranges; skis through the heart of Alaska’s wildest areas. She is strong, intuitive, and I am constantly struck by the lessons she interprets from the natural world and from her animals — Luzy in particular.

This book is a reflection of that wonderful, complex, loving relationship. It is full of wisdom about self love, appreciating nature, being present and authentic — lessons Wendy has divined from her time with life/self/nature-loving Luzy.

My advice — take them to heart !”

Lisbet Skogen Norris
3-time Iditarod Finisher
Owner/Guide at Arctic Dog Adventure Co. Fairbanks, Alaska

“Luzy is the real deal. I feel so lucky to know her, to have explored snowy mountains with her bounding ahead and blending into the landscape, and to have been the recipient of her mesmerizing blue-eyed gaze. I’ve ridden in cars in the back seat with my arm around her soft neck while she squeezes onto my lap, and I’ve curled up on rugs by cozy wood stoves with her. Her spirit is playful, open and pure magic. And her ears are the softest most gloriously furry ears I’ve ever felt. Keep sharing your wild spirit, Luzy, and thank you to my dear friend Wendy for bringing Luzy’s lessons to the world!”

Carla Robertson
Living Wild and Precious Coaching